How does Tech affect Sleep?

You probably don’t remember the days when all your bedroom contained was your bed, clothing and a few bits and bobs. These days’ bedrooms are full of new tech and gadgets, such as our smartphone, tablet, TV, games, smart devices and so much more.

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But, how does all this technology affect how we sleep? A recent study revealed these results:

60% of 13 – 64 year olds experience trouble sleeping
63% of the people involved in the study did not feel they get enough sleep
15% of 19 – 64 year olds get less than 6 hours of sleep on weeknights
95% use their electronic devices in the hour before they go to sleep

Lack of sleep has been linked to these four health issues… Ongoing depression, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

But how are our electronic devices affecting us? The light that is emitted from the display screen of your smartphone, tablet, etc. can cause melatonin suppression and this is what affects our natural body clock.

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By using a luminous display for an hour or two before you go to bed, you are in fact suppressing your melatonin by 22% and this makes it much harder to fall asleep.

There are some helpful steps you can use to get a good night’s rest…

       1.       Read a book using a lamp and this will help you relax and get a good night’s sleep
       2.       Write in a journal and keep it next to your bed to get any thoughts out of your head
       3.       Listen to soft, relaxing music to help you drift off
       4.       Some EBook readers, like the Kindle do not have luminous displays, so you can use them to read as well.

Cut out the technology when you’re in your bedroom and rather stick to the good old fashioned stuff such as reading and relaxing – having a high quality comfortable bed is also important!

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