6 people who have taken their relationships with technology to the next level

Let’s face it, we’re living in a world filled with technology, and there’s no turning back now. Technology filters through every part of human existence, and as we advance our emotions struggle to keep up. Here are six cases of people who relate to technology in weird and inappropriate ways, some love it, some hate it and some are simply addicted...

Sal 9000
Romance in the digital age is a touchy subject, but the makers of Love Plus took it to the next level! The Nintendo DS game acts as a virtual girlfriend, requiring players to court high school girls and “speak” to them. A player who goes by the name Sal 9000 became so addicted and formed such an emotional connection to his pixelated girlfriend that he traveled to Guam with his Nintendo and married her in a ceremony with a priest and everything!

Little Wang
China has an unusual relationship with the Internet and citizens spend a massive amount of time online. A young man who went by the name Little Wang had a severe addiction. Unable to control his desire to go online, Wang stole a kitchen knife, snuck out of his house and chopped off his left hand on a park bench! Luckily police found him and doctors were able to reattach it.

Danny Bowman
Social media is turning us all into a bunch of needy, attention-seekers desperate for tiny nuggets of approval. A British teenager named Danny Bowman shows how toxic it can be, when he became obsessed with taking selfies. Danny would spend up to 10 hours a day taking photographs of himself on his iPhone; he then dropped out of school and stayed in his house for six months, going on a crash diet to improve his appearance. Danny eventually attempted suicide in 2012! Luckily he is in an addition program now and on his way to recovery.

Kevin Warwick
Some people won’t be truly happy until technology is incorporated into their bodies. A British engineer, Kevin Warwick, wants to be the world’s first voluntary cyborg! He has had multiple cybernetic implants surgically place into his body to make it all happen; he even created an interface that would enable a robotic arm thousands of miles away to mimic the motions of his own arm. Warwick is no lunatic, he is a respected teacher and lecturer, but he does receive a fair amount of criticism for his experiments.

Anonymous Google Glass Addict
His name was never released, but his story is quite a terrifying one! Google Glass was released to the public in 2013 and quickly became very popular in the tech world. One Navy serviceman took his addiction to his Google Glass a bit too far. He checked into a substance abuse program for alcohol issues and while he was there he began to go into withdrawal from his Google Glass headset, exhibiting involuntary movement s and memory problems without it.

Li Meng
China has another tale of internet addiction, this one shows how bad things can get if it is left untreated. Li Meng has actually LIVED in an Internet café in Changchun for over six years! He never communicates with any other human there and he only leaves his chair to get food and occasionally bathe. Li Meng sleeps in the café during the day and earns his money by presumably farming gold in online games.

The human mind is extremely adaptable, but the twists and turns required to plug our cortex into the Information Age are having some serious side effects, some people just can’t handle the shock of the new! When you’re completely surrounded by technology, it’s sometimes impossible to just walk away, no matter how unhealthy it is for you.

Consider these six stories and once you've finished reading, step away from your screen for a few minutes and re-evaluate your relationships.

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Written By: Christine Romans
CopyWriter at The Computer Guyz Cape Town


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