Has your Online Payment Account been Hacked?

It’s amazing that we can do almost everything online these days, but with banking and shopping online comes the risks of becoming a victim to malicious online scammers. This is why it is vital that you keep an eye on your PayPal, Amazon and online banking accounts.

So what are the signs that your accounts may have been cracked by a cybercriminal? Here’s how you’ll know if your online payment account may have been hacked.

1. Unauthorised activity. Always watch your transactions online, even a small little detail that you do not recognise could be a sign of danger.

2. Never ignore notifications. If you receive an email notifying you that your account details have changed or was logged into and it wasn’t you, your account could possibly be compromised.

3. Be wary of bogus calls. If you get a phone call from someone claiming to be from your payment provider, always check the number they are calling from and rather call them back yourself on the company’s public phone number.

4. Never trust texts. Be suspicious if you get random text messages or phone calls from a number that your provider doesn’t usually use.

5. Check emails. Never reply to an email or click on a link in an email even if it is from your bank or other providers, always double-check first, especially if the email doesn’t look genuine.

6. Suspicious links. If you spot strange activity on your account, check and see if you have received and accidentally clicked on any suspicious links over email or text message lately.
Always make sure that you have a high quality, reliable internet security and anti-virus program installed on all your devices!

Should you need assistance please give TCG a call on 021 110 0422 or email contact@tcgcape.co.za and we will do what we can to assist you!


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