How to protect yourself against Spam & Phishing Emails

Spam is more than just annoying emails in your inbox; it can be really dangerous, especially if it is part of a larger phishing scam.

Here are some important tips to remember to assist you in staying safe against spam and phishing emails:

Create multiple email addresses.
It’s best to have at least two email addresses, one private email address and a public email address.

1. Private – This one should only be used for personal correspondence and never publish it on public places or on online resources.

2. Public – Only use this address when you are subscribing or registering for something and do not be afraid to change your address on a regular basis.

Never respond to spam.
The more you respond to spam the more likely you are to receive more spam.

Always think before you unsubscribe.
Did you know that spammers can send you fake unsubscribe letters in order to get hold of your email address – do not click unsubscribe on emails from suspicious sources.

Update your browser.
Always make sure that your browser is updated on a regular basis and that you are using the latest version.

Use anti-spam filters.
Make sure to choose an antivirus and internet security solution that offers advanced anti-spam services and features.

Spammers and cybercriminals are out there to make money, steal you private information and spread malware and virus on your computer – do not be the next victim, use these tips to keep yourself safe.

Have more questions about spam and phishing emails? Contact The Computer Guyz on 021 110 0422 or email or learn more on the website |


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