With everyone being on multiple social media networks these days’ social media, privacy a very rare thing. However, there are certain actions that YOU are doing that can make things so much worse!

Be sure to never, ever post these 4 things on your Facebook network or any other social media account.

- Home address or work address

This should be an obvious one, but “Checking in” or adding your location to an image or post can also give away where you are. So, be careful when you’re adding geotags on your Instagram posts, because some creep might be trying to find out where you live or work.

- Certain photos of children

You should always be extra, extra careful when it comes to posting photos of children on social media. Always steer clear of uploading compromising images, like ones of other people’s kids, where they go to school, nude photos and anything your child might not want public.

- Holiday Information

Posting on Facebook or other social media networks that you’re going to be away from your home is an invitation for burglars to break in. This doesn’t mean you can never post any holiday photos, it just means you should only share them with a close group of friends or when you get back home from your holiday.

- Private details

Please say you’re not one of those people silly enough to post an image of their bank card or credit card on social media? Hopefully not! But, you might accidentally give away details through social media conversations, such as what bank you use and what your income range is.

If you’re using social media networks, it is up to you to use your brain and think before you post on Facebook or any other social media platform!

Do you need someone to manage your social media pages? Someone who can post on your pages and keep your business up-to-date? At The Computer Guyz we can offer you copywriting, blogging and social media services at an affordable price. Give us a call on 021 110 0422 or email

Want to know more about social media safety and investigations? Contact our OSINT department on 021 110 0422 or email


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