
Showing posts from 2014

Baby steps for a holiday tech detox

The weirdest tech stories of 2014 – Part 2

The weirdest tech stories of 2014 – Part 1

Facebook is “thinking about” a dislike button

The extremely unaffordable tech we wish Santa could bring us

Tech scams threatening your holidays

You can now find Facebook posts by keyword!

Sony Pictures nightmare hacking

The new gadget for all the social media addicts

Google’s new reCAPTCHA experience

Can science save your iPhone screen?

Flow: Change the way you scroll

Email myths you should stop believing now

Twitter to keep tabs on the apps you download

Liar, liar pants on fire – 5 lies that programmers tell themselves

Cheap or free ways to make your old computer faster

How popular tech companies got their names

The intelligent, smart frying pan is here!

5 things to know about Facebook’s privacy policy update

Strap on the belt that can charge your smartphone