The Truth about Internet Cookies

Think about it – if we didn’t allow our browsers to track our every move, a lot of ransomware and malware wouldn’t exist in the first place.

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Yes, cookies are the original ransomware!

When you visit a website a cookie will be downloaded onto your PC, when you visit that site again information such as passwords and settings contained in that cookie are remembered. So, it can be concerning that these seemingly innocent cookies have raised eyebrows about privacy because of their ability to track someone’s web activity.

The reason for cookies invention in the first place is suspicious. They were created to track your internet activity and send you certain adverts targeted specifically for you and your interests. Your website history is monitored to help determine which ads suit you best. From there social media networks help, but the cookie is golden to advertisers.

To those who have just realises what cookies are, they may seem terrifying!

How do you feel about advertisers and organisations storing information about you? And possibly the fact that cookies aid hackers?

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Instead of throwing blame at people about these large ransomware attacks, we should be debating about the whole concept of targeted advertising and these sneaky cookies tracking our every move, gathering private information and overall knowing EVERYTHING about your browsing habits.

Do you feel 100% protected from ransomware? If not, The Computer Guyz can assist you! Call 087 001 0511/2 or email today!
