Why you should limit your Child’s Screen Time

In this day and age, it is a fact that your children and your unborn children will grow up in a digital world. They will be exposed to media in many forms including the internet, smartphones, computers, tablets, etc.

Image result for children with smartphone

Here’s why it is a good idea to set a limit to how much screen time your child gets…

1. Weight Problems

When your child spends hours constantly sitting in front of the TV or PC, this can result in weight issues. Watching TV for more than 1.5 hours a day is a serious risk factor for children aged 4 – 9 years. Lack of exercise and snacking while staring at a screen should be taken very seriously.

2. Insomnia

Screen time can interfere with sleep. The light from a smartphone, laptop, TV or tablet can delay and disrupt sleep, resulting in negative results at school, bad behaviour and moodiness.

3. Risky Behaviour

Substance abuse, sexual behaviour, self-injury and eating disorders are often exposed to teens and young adults on social media and TV shows. This can also result in your child developing a negative and unhealthy image of themselves.

4. Cyberbullying

Bullying online is just as bad as bullying on the playground. Not only does it lead to short and long-term negative social, academic and health issues for the child being bullies, but it can also impacts the child who is doing the bullying. Did you know that in the past 10 years empathy levels have seriously dropped? Could this be because of the digital world we are living in?

It is impossible to avoid the internet, social media, computers, TVs, etc, however you can monitor and limit your child’s daily doses!

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