Windows 10 Features – Xbox App

Microsoft is trying to make a push towards the PC market after they revealed that the new Windows 10 will have an Xbox app that will be specifically for use with the Xbox One. Microsoft is focusing on keeping things simple and just extending video games from your PC onto your Xbox One.

It seems that Microsoft is trying to make the Xbox One a cross-compatible device, as they want to allow users to stream PC games onto the console. The cool thing is, it will even work on mouse and keyboard controls not to mention it will have support for high-resolution monitors.

The Xbox app is split into three distinct columns: My Games, Friends List and the Activity Feed

The My Games section shows you all the games you are playing on your Windows devices, whether it’s on your PC, Xbox One or Windows phone.

The Friends List lets you connect with your Xbox live friends whenever you need to, you can also search and find new friends. You then have the option to go onto your friends profile pages and view their recent activities, achievements, games and game clips.

The Activity Feed lets you see all your friends’ activities, not only that but you can also add comments or like your friends’ recent achievements and game clips.

The Xbox app has a pretty long list of other cool features; here is a rundown of “some” of the things the Xbox app has to offer:
  • Your Profile – Your profile on the app will allow you to access your Xbox profile and also view your recent activity, Gamerscore, achievements, following lists and game clips.
  • Recently Played – When you click on a game you bring up the Game Hub, here you can see your Gamerscore, achievement status, time played and game clips. This is also where you can choose to “Follow” a game.
  • Messages – Here you can view all your messages from your friends, followers and other Xbox users, you can also be able to see your system messages and notifications.
It’s not really clear how PC games will all work on the Xbox One, but the app is the first step in making Windows 10 and Xbox One a more cross-platform experience.

You can watch the Windows 10 Xbox app trailer here.

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Written By: Christine Romans
CopyWriter at The Computer Guyz Cape Town 


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