All the features a perfect laptop has to have

We’re all searching for the perfect laptop of our dreams, the ideal combination of all the right features. A few recent laptops come to mind, like the Surface Book and MacBook Pro, but if we could choose the perfect set of specs for a laptop, what would they be?

¨ Different screen sizes
Everyone is different, so we have different needs in a laptop. Some of us need the smallest laptop, and others need a laptop screen the size of a TV. So, the perfect laptop should be able to have multiple screen sizes and don’t forget touchscreen should also be available.

So far, no laptop offers a whole range of different screen-sizes.

¨ No bezel
Whatever screen size you have, it should take up the whole inside of the lid from edge to edge. It’s ideal for the body of the laptop to be no wider than the screen itself.

Bezels have been getting smaller, but they haven’t gone away completely.

¨ Super-high resolution
The pixel density definitely needs to be high enough so that you need a fancy microscope to identify any individual pixel.

Fortunately for us, laptops these days are getting pretty close to this.

¨ Viewable in sunlight
Part of the point of having a perfect laptop is that it should be able to be used anywhere, and that definitely includes the great outdoors in broad daylight.

Laptop and screen makers still have a lot of work to do with this feature.

¨ 12 hours of battery life and wireless charging
You should be able to work on your laptop the entire day and not have to worry about the need to recharge it. Then, when your laptop needs juice, you can use a wireless charging system without a plug and cable.

Yes, progress is being made in this area, but laptops these days are not quite there yet.

¨Super-fast WiFi and mobile broadband connectivity
The perfect laptop would need the fastest WiFi connections and built-in mobile broadband. There’s actually no reason why the perfect laptop wouldn’t work as a mobile phone as well.

This is actually possible today; it’s just a design and cost decision.

¨ Lightweight
The smallest laptop models shouldn’t weigh more than 500g and the biggest ones shouldn’t top a kilogram. We have to carry our laptops around, that’s the point, and the extra weight is just a hassle.

It can be possible, just look at the new MacBook.

¨ Great sound
Most laptops sound fine if you wear laptops, but it still sounds like tin cans in your ears. There is definitely no hope of ever filling a room with sound by just using your laptop.

This won’t be easy, especially with smaller laptops, but maybe someone can leverage some remote speaker technology.

¨Rugged and durable
The ideal laptop should be sturdy enough to withstand daily use. Nothing is indestructible; however it shouldn’t suffer any damage if it is dropped from a metre onto concrete. It also shouldn’t be completely ruined if you spill your cup of coffee on it.

Rugged laptops are available, but they add a lot of weight and bulk.

¨ Affordable
Obviously, if you are looking for perfection cost should be no object. However, the total price should be affordable enough too many of the people who really want or need a totally awesome laptop.

Many awesome laptops are reasonable priced, but add all of these perfect features and the price will likely be pushed up quite a bit.

Back in the day, the perfect laptop looked like a brick, weighed as much as a brick and worked like one too. Today, we are in the pursuit of perfection and these 10 features would make the ideal laptop.

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