The Smart Office Chair that Parks itself

Tech is becoming more and more advanced every day, so somewhere in the near future we will be able to simply sit back, press a button and let our cars park themselves. However, even though there are self-driving cars out there, we are still waiting for one that is on the market and 100% safe.

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While we wait, Nissan has created a smart parking office chair that will park itself neatly by your desk when you clap your hands!

Yes, all you have to do is simply clap your hands. The office chair is based off of the Nissan’s parking assist feature, but it is sort of a marketing stunt to show off the car’s state-of-the-art technology.

Even though the office chair is pretty awesome, it’s not clear if Nissan is planning on actually selling the intelligent parking chairs. We hope so, because there’s nothing more annoying when everyone leaves the office and don’t bother to push in their chairs.

There’s some complicated technology that powers the chairs, such as a sensor camera in the ceiling above the chairs, Wi-Fi that controls the seats and a base that has a motor and wheels.

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Take a look at the video here to see how the Intelligent Parking Chair works...

At The Computer Guyz we may not have smart office chairs, but we do have a range of IT equipment as well as reliable IT services at an affordable price.


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