3 of The Strangest Video Game Consoles Ever Created
Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo aren’t the only companies
making game consoles; there are many trying to make it big, and many who
seriously failed trying to!
Let’s go back in history and take a look at the strangest (and
funniest) video game consoles...
Coleco Telstar Arcade
– 1976
This triangle shaped console tried it’s best to stuff THREE
features into one box. A steering wheel and gear lever, a holster with a gun,
and controllers in the front for other games. Users had to keep swapping it around to use each feature - It failed miserably.
Action Max – 1988

This was the first gaming console to have run off of video
tapes (weird). You would also need to attach a red sensor to your TV so you
could use the plastic gun to work. The Action Max failed when kids started noticing nothing changed onscreen until the video tape stopped running.
A deeply weird piece of tech with one of the strangest
joysticks ever created, it was more like a confusing fishing rod with colourful buttons.
The games that came along with the View-Master were video footage that allowed for
basic gaming.
Do you know any more strange video game consoles?
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