Is Tech Ruining your Relationship?
Technology is an amazing thing, it allows you to stay
connected even if you are a million miles away, however some couples can’t
remember the last time they sat down and ate supper together without checking
their phones.
Sometimes tech can ruin a relationship by creating a wedge
between two people, often in the form of a phone screen or a computer monitor.
When people become too interested in checking their Instagram updates or
comments on their Facebook page, then it’s time to make a change.
Is tech ruining your relationship? Here are four signs to
look out for...
You’ve been asked to put a device away
You may think your partner is being over dramatic when they
moan and ask you to put your phone away, but it is likely that they probably really
bothered about how much time you are spending on your phone or in front of your
If your partner is upset about how much attention you are
giving the tech in your life and you haven’t bothered to change your ways, then
this is a sign that it could be ruining your relationship.
You’re not getting enough sleep
Do you spend all night checking Facebook, browsing the
internet or playing games on your PC until the early hours of the morning?
Well, this could be having a bad effect on your relationship. Why? Because you
are staying up extra late spending hours in front of the TV, or checking your
smartphone and missing time that you could be doing something together.
You would rather be on your phone or online than
with your partner
When your partner is in the room with you and you would
rather spend time checking social media and emails, playing games or surfing
the internet than actually communicating with them – there is a problem!
You would rather chat online to people than chat
to your partner

Online affairs start when you turn to tech and share your personal
problems and arguments. You should not be sharing things with others that are
private between you and your partner; this is how emotional affairs start and
physical affairs.
Of course technology is important and it plays a vital role in our everyday lives, but just make sure it doesn't completely take over them!
At The Computer Guyz at Cape Town or Centurion, we can offer a range of cost-effective IT services and equipment - contact TCG today!
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