7 Shocking Ways a Virus Spreads
Knowing what to look out for when it comes to a computer
virus can really go a long way, especially when it means keeping your private
data safe from hackers who want to cause harm.
Here are a few ways that a virus can infect your hard
Not installing important
updates. Keeping your computer updated is a simple task that requires
little effort, yet people still neglect to do it. Install your updates now if
you haven’t already.
Clicking on strange
email attachments. A lot of people still fall for this trick every day.
Never ever open an email attachment from an email address you don’t recognize.
Clicking without
reading first. If a dialog box pops up and prompts you to click “OK” always
read it first. It is most probably a trap!
FAST FACT: Approximately 33% of the world’s computers have been
affected by malicious software in one form or another.
Not being cautious of
USB drives. Be careful of USB drives, especially ones given to you by
people you don’t know. Hackers can access your computer easily through a USB
port without even being online.
Turning off crucial
safety features. Email programs block images for good reason, it may seem inconvenient
for you, but it is done to protect you. Never turn that feature off, because
you will regret it later.
You may not think you will be a target, but your accounts
and personal information is all of great value to cyber criminals. Always be
aware and avoid becoming the next victim!
Do you have a virus on your computer? Don't touch anything - call The Computer Guyz today!
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