Escaping into Virtual Reality is now as easy as ever!
Type a simple URL into your browser and you will be about to
visit a virtual world – it has become that easy!

Apparently Google is changing the game by introducing
amazing VR experiences that are available on Chrome. It will now be as easy to
go to the moon as it is to type in a URL and visit your favourite
The people who are creating all these amazing Virtual
Reality experiences will now be able to use the new tech called WebVR and show
off their creations that they’ve designed. How? Well, WebVR allows their VR
experiences to be hosted on websites!
To experience the VR first hand it’s really easy. You will
need a Daydream-ready phone and a Daydream View headset and from there you can
browse any Virtual Reality worlds of your choice.
But what about those who don’t have headsets? Well, you can
still watch the VR content on your PC or smartphone using your mouse or finger
to move around. It’s still cool, but not as immersive as using the headset.

There are a few VR sites already available that you can try.
Click on the links below...
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