How to Clean your Phone or PC in just 10 Minutes

Wouldn’t it be nice to clean clutter from the comfort of your couch, plus be done in only 10 minutes? It is possible; all you have to do is follow these six easy steps to clean your devices...

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Clean your Inbox. Most of those 785 unread emails you have in your inbox are useless subscriptions and other nonsense. Take back control of your inbox with a cool program called – it’s free and it’ll make it easy to unsubscribe and pack everything into tidy little groups.

Uninstall unused Apps. That yoga app you downloaded ages ago when you were going through a phase is just a waste of space now. Take a look through your phone and check what apps you forgot you even have and delete them now!

Organize your Desktop. If you can’t even see your desktop background through the clutter of random icons and folders then it’s time to organize. Sort all your files into categories and create folders, from there everything will be much easier to find.

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Organize your Phone Apps too. Keep the games you use most often on your home page, otherwise sort the rest into folders. Here’s how...

Android – Drag one icon on top of another, the pile will have a circle around it meaning they have been combined into a folder. Drag other icons onto the folder to add them.

Apple – Touch and hold your finger down on an app and then drag it onto another app, this will create a folder with both apps inside. Hold and drag other icons onto the folder to add them.

Clear Space for Media. You need to record a vital birthday bash video for your Snapchat, but instead you have to waste time deleting a few images to make space. Get those thousands of pictures off your phone and store them somewhere else, like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Disable Useless Notifications. There’s no point in getting notified every time your friend posts a picture of her puppy, rather disable notifications that aren’t necessary.

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That’s it! Your cleaning for the day is done and dusted and you did it in 10 minutes!

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