Keeping your Tech Clean

Here at The Computer Guyz, we’ve seen some pretty dirty tech equipment. From smudges and smears on screens to crumbs and nail clippings in the keyboard!

If you really like your tech, then why not keep it clean like the rest of your belongings?

Image result for dirty technology

Here are some shocking facts about tech germs:

>> Light switches get up to 217 bacteria per square inch
>> Keyboards are 5x dirtier than your toilet seat!
>> 16% of cellphones were found to have poop on them
>> A Wii Fit Balance Board can attract germs like athletes foot

Always remember to clean your...

- Printer / Copier / Fax
- Light switches
- Microwave buttons
- Door handles
- Computer mouse
- Computer keyboard
- Remote control
- Cellphone
- iPod / iPad
- Game controllers
- Laptop / Tablet

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It’s true that keyboards have about 60 times more germs than your toilet seat. The solution? Wipe your keyboard with a disinfectant cloth or a cloth with diluted dish soap on it.

How do you keep your tech clean?

Use a cleaning wipe
Use a dirty sock
Use rubbing alcohol with a tissue
Use saliva on a tissue
Use microfiber cleaning cloth
Use your pants or sleeve
Use household sanitizing wipes
Use your breath
Use ultraviolet light cleaners
Use toilet water
Wash your hands often to keep your tech clean
Use wishful thinking
Check with the manufacturer to know which cleaning products you can use
Lick your remote control – EVER
Submerge your electronic devices in water

So, what is the dirtiest item of them all?

Image result for TV remote control

The TV remote control is the dirtiest item you will find in a typical home, hospital or hotel room. It is dirtier than your toilet, handles, keyboard and light switch. The remote is a hotbed for contagious germs and viruses.

Always remember to wipe... your tech and keep it clean!


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