The new app that tries to stop you from constantly staring at your phone!

The point of this new app, Beme that Youtuber Casey Neistat created is a very familiar one. Just imagine you are at a concert and you’re focused on capturing the moment so you can post it on Instagram and Facebook, but in doing so, you are completely taken out of the moment!

Beme was created to change that! Social media is supposed to be a digital version of who we are as people, but instead it has become this highly sculpted, calculated version of who we are, told through many filters that doesn’t really resemble the reality of things at all.

One of the main features of Beme is that users don’t need to look at their screens to record a video. All you have to do is just press it against your chest and the app will use the iPhone’s proximity sensor as a record button. As of now the app is only available for iOS.

To take a selfie or a vlog, you can press your iPhone up against the wall. It is strange, awkward behaviour to press your phone’s screen against a wall in the middle of a concert, but it’s the only way for the proximity sensor to activate.

To watch the video, hold down a person’s username and just like Snapchat moments, they are ephemeral, which means they disappear right after you view them.

Everything you see on Beme, you see for the first and the last time. Instead of giving hearts or likes, you can send selfies by tapping the screen – the most genuine of reactions.

Getting reactions is probably the best part of the app. Being able to capture without being forced to stare at your phone is one of the most liberating interactions you can do with your phone.

If you want to download the Beme app, find it in the App Store, but you will need to get an unlock code from someone who is already set up to go.

Want to know more about the Beme app? Watch the video here...

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