The truth about these 3 popular IT myths

IT is an important component of the business world and unless you come from an IT background, you probably don’t have a lot of knowledge in the field. And even if you do have experience, the IT field is something that changes at a fast pace.

Because the IT world is quite difficult to understand, many myths exist. The reality is that believing these myths may be keeping you or your business from getting the IT support you need.

The following are the 3 biggest and most common myths about IT services and support, along with the realities about them:

MYTH: “I don’t need IT support unless something is wrong.”

Of course, you should always be able to rely on tech support to fix your problems when they come up. From your server going down and an internet outage to your computer simply not turning on – your IT team should be able to get your systems back up and running.

However, waiting until you have a problem is an inefficient and expensive way to do business. It ends up costing you’re a lot of time, money and productivity.

REALITY: A proactive IT strategy is the only kind of strategy you need, reacting to a problem isn’t strategic at all. You need to be able to rely on IT support not only for those reactive situations, but also for assessing your current tech and processes and finding ways to prevent issues from coming up later down the line.

MYTH: “I won’t be able to easily change my IT services or provider.”

There’s no such thing as an easy change in business. Any change, whether it’s related to IT services or not is going to cause you some amount of discomfort. But with the right internal IT team, the process of change doesn’t have to be so painful.

It’s important to remember that letting short-term pains affect your long-term strategy is going to hurt your business. So, if new IT systems are the way to make your business more efficient, then the change must be embraced.

REALITY: The right IT support team will take the time to analyze your current IT processes and develop a plan to change you to a more efficient IT environment with as little pain as possible. In addition, the right provider establishes a long-term plan for your IT processes that maximizes your business productivity.

MYTH: “IT support always finds a way to add to their billable hours.”

IT consultants usually bill at an hourly rate. And there is a thought that some IT support teams try everything possible to maximise the billable hours for the project. The focus is on selling, not helping.

REALITY: There are always dishonest people and businesses out there, no matter what industry. But a professional IT business will make an effort to ensure that both parties are clear and in agreement about the scope of a project. A good IT partner is concerned with your long-term partnership rather than quickly maximising billable hours. Don’t let the fear of a dishonest partner skew your IT strategy.

Ready to find the right IT partner? Get in touch with The Computer Guyz today!


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