6 Things you should always backup!
Store your photos on Google Photos
There are so many photo storage services to choose from, but Google’s offers a free and unlimited storage for your photos and syncs efficiently with both your phone and your desktop. Another plus is that the program uses facial recognition and GPS locations to make your photos easy to search and organise.
There are so many photo storage services to choose from, but Google’s offers a free and unlimited storage for your photos and syncs efficiently with both your phone and your desktop. Another plus is that the program uses facial recognition and GPS locations to make your photos easy to search and organise.
Store your videos on Google Photos
Yes, all those videos of your puppy take up a ton of space on your phone. Use Google Photos to also store your clips for free, but note that they have to be under 10GB.
Yes, all those videos of your puppy take up a ton of space on your phone. Use Google Photos to also store your clips for free, but note that they have to be under 10GB.
Put music on an external hard drive
This is a really fast and painless way to make sure that if your computer crashes, you have a copy of all your favourite songs.
This is a really fast and painless way to make sure that if your computer crashes, you have a copy of all your favourite songs.
Put important word docs on Google Drive
You know that romance novel you’ve been trying to write for five years? Or that important work project you’ve been working on? Well, imagine there’s a power surge and it all disappears! Your best bet to avoid this is to upload all your documents to Google Drive.
You know that romance novel you’ve been trying to write for five years? Or that important work project you’ve been working on? Well, imagine there’s a power surge and it all disappears! Your best bet to avoid this is to upload all your documents to Google Drive.
Sync phone contacts using iTunes
Losing your phone shouldn’t mean losing all your contacts. Sync up your contacts by connecting your phone to your laptop, opening iTunes and tapping the iPhone icon on the top left, then select Info > Sync Contacts.
Losing your phone shouldn’t mean losing all your contacts. Sync up your contacts by connecting your phone to your laptop, opening iTunes and tapping the iPhone icon on the top left, then select Info > Sync Contacts.
Don’t forget about your blog
Just admit it; you would be really upset if your midnight ramblings about life got hacked or lost. If you are using Wordpress, you may want to install BackupBuddy, and if you are on Blogger there is a manual export button, just be sure to schedule a weekly time to back up everything.
Just admit it; you would be really upset if your midnight ramblings about life got hacked or lost. If you are using Wordpress, you may want to install BackupBuddy, and if you are on Blogger there is a manual export button, just be sure to schedule a weekly time to back up everything.
Make sure you read
this definitive guide to backing up all your important things and learn there is a way to do it quickly and easily.
At The Computer Guyz, we can take you step by step through your backup process if you ever feel you need some friendly advice, simply contact us at one of our branches in Cape Town or Centurion.
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