Do you think these 4 Tech Trends need to disappear in 2016?

What is your New Year’s resolution? Maybe you want to join the gym or eat healthier meals? Maybe you should put down your smartphone and enjoy the real world around you?

There are also probably tech trends that you wish will go away this year, so let’s take a moment and reflect on the tech trends of 2015 and decide which deserve an untimely death this year.

Passwords are more hassle than their worth, even if we get more creative, our passwords are still no match for sophisticated hackers. So why do software and hardware makers insist on us using jumbles of numbers and letters to log into a website or PC? Many companies are on the right track with fingerprint and facial recognition, unfortunately the trend hasn’t quite caught on yet and we’re still stuck trying to remember our passwords.

First of all: they explode. They embarrass people with inner-ear problems. They don’t actually hover at all. Pretty everything about “hoverboards” makes it a necessary tech trend that needs to disappear. Despite this, they have gained quite a level of popularity. In 2015, a UK consumer protection agency actually revealed that more than 15 000 hoverboards were detained based on issues with the plug, cabling, charger, battery and cut-off switch. You may as well avoid these exploding hoverboards and wait for the real thing!


These adjustable poles are horrible. Their only saving grace is that they’re less likely than hoverboards to erupt into flames (although we wish they would!) Why people choose to use selfie sticks is beyond us, they are dangerous, obstruct peoples view and frankly they look really stupid! Selfie sticks have actually been banned in many places, such as Disneyland, Coachella and the Empire State Building. These devices need to seriously go away this year.

Look around and all you will see is people with their heads down, eyes focused and fingers tapping furiously on their smartphones. Yes, we are living in the digital age where everyone carries at least three mobile devices and would rather spend time on their gadgets then have actual face-to-face conversations. Smartphone addiction is a real thing and it is not an easy habit to kick, it can be damaging, especially if you are texting and driving. So next time you go to the bathroom, try to fight the urge to carry your tablet in with you.

Now that 2015 is over and done with, we need in with the new and out with the old! These tech trends need to go away fast.

Start the new year by contacting us here at The Computer Guyz. We can help you with anything, from IT support and repairs to graphic design and website hosting.


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