An amazing way to speed up your internet

Do you find yourself losing your temper when your internet connection is just a tad slower than it usually is? Reaching the point where you are on the verge of throwing your computer out the window. No one can handle even the slightest bit of waiting, but thanks to researchers in Germany and London the internet could be made a bit quicker.

These amazing researchers have made what may now be the world’s fastest laser; the laser is able to switch on and off at incredibly speeds! It’s not really clear what its impact on us would be, but the researchers say it could be a huge step towards faster data connection and communication technology.

One scientist confirmed details about how the laser would work: "If one can now switch the laser on and off very fast, then more information is transported for a given time frame," Carsten Ronning, a scientist from Germany's Friedrich Schiller University Jena said.

What really sets this laser apart from the rest is that the material used to make the lasers (zinc oxide nanowire) is placed on silver instead of glass, glass being traditionally used. The scientists use a special technique to squeeze light into a tiny space; by switching the glass for silver the researchers were able to shrink the diameter of the laser down to about a thousandth the size of a human hair!

The extremely thin laser can produce as much as one trillion pulses per second, making it so much faster than any normal laser ever made. Carsten Ronning, the scientist said that the laser operates stably at room temperature and this is probably the maximum possible speed at which this laser can be operated.

Now that these amazing researchers have introduced the super-fast laser, looks like the days of getting horrifyingly violent with your computer and other devices are all over.

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Written By: Christine Romans
CopyWriter at The Computer Guyz Cape Town


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